Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fabric Printing and Game of Thrones

OK.. I am going to get right to it. When I learned how to print on fabric using my inkjet printer, it was kind of a life changing moment. My mind started bursting with ideas, concepts, drawings... Anyway, for my first project I made a Game of Thrones Baby Quilt because 1) I am a super fan, and 2) I make baby blankets. I had some tutorials pinned on my Pinterest Sewing Board that were really helpful.

- Indestructibles offers tips for Inkjet Printing on Fabric
- Craftzine Fabric Printing How-To
- The actual HP website lists some tips and resources

Naturally, I didn't have all the materials they suggested so I ended up using some cardstock paper I had for other projects. It worked perfectly. I cut the fabric(I used some leftover muslin) to fit the printer and  scotch taped it to the cardstock. Super easy, right? 

Game of Thrones Baby Quilt is for sale on my Etsy Shop ZhalaClothing

-Make sure you tape around the edges so you don't get excess ink smudges.
-After your print on the fabric let it dry for 15 minutes
-When it is dry submerge into tepid water for 10 minutes. I used my bathtub. This is important because it sets the ink permanently.
-Let it dry flat and you're golden!
-I put it through the washer and dryer and it was perfect so no worries.
-I was printing all black so I opened each jpeg in photoshop and cleaned it up a bit with the eraser tool and strengthened some thin lines.

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