Saturday, August 17, 2013

Coaching to Pay It Forward

My job is about connecting with people and having the honor to walk with them on their journey. When I became an Independent Health Coach, I knew right away that what I was doing was aligned with my moral compass. It is often hard for people to believe at first that I am a free health coach, that I really am doing this to help people get healthy. I see this as a reflection of many people's fears and hopelessness. But it is true. We coach to pay it forward, to spread the hope and joy that comes with a focus on creating health and balance in our lives. So, this brings me back to the beginning; my job is about connecting, showing the beacon of hope, that there is a way out and you can do it.
We are so tired, tired, tired of feeling tired. Tired of unsatisfactory food and an unsatisfactory lifestyle. I know it. I've been there, too. The Habits of Health I learned with Take Shape For Life gave me the tools to put my health in focus and making the changes I needed to start feeling better on a daily basis.
Getting phone calls from my clients telling me how much weight they lost (and how they had to go to the next belt notch because their pants are falling down!) make my day and I remember IMMEDIATELY why I do what I do. Coach you to achieve Health. Love it!

I am an Independent Health Coach with Take Shape For Life. Connect with me and learn how i can coach you for FREE at

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